Holy heck! The world really changed since I last posted here.
For the small few of you that found this place thank you for trying the game. Sorry for letting it rust away. Last year, I was honestly getting burn out. I was making this game with such a large scope and I was hoping to work on it slowly but alas I have bills to pay and I had other projects that were demanding a lot of attention. I'm also fairly new to making games in 3D and this was supposed to be a pet project where I update every so often but then I started noticing that this type of game was taking way too much time for a side project. And then.. well the next year start and COVID rocked the world.
Now all of my side hustles for this year went and gone up in smoke. I now have a lot more free time to devote back to programming.
That being said, this game as I once talked about will be closed. It's honestly a large idea that I don't have the time to tackle. That being said I'm going to rebrand this game to be a very short game or a one-level type of game and leave it like that. That way I can say that the project is finished. Maybe down the line, I'll try to make a game closer to this vision.
This game did have more progress when I last posted. I did finally get the armor system working and I was going to start working on the monster AI. So I might finish that and slap some quick art updates & a quick story and finish up.
We'll see what the future will hold. For now I'm putting this game on hold and I'll update any threads/ posts I made about this game and update those soonish.